Perspective is a what-if respondent, multi-faceted modeling application with benefits that merit a home in every Analytics Toolbox! As such, it provides a user with a myriad of paths to Attainable Financial Goals.
With Perspective Operating Analysis, every entity that issues current and comparable past performance Reporting Financials (indeed, virtually every member of the Business Intelligence community – current and prospective) will appreciate the means to achieve the projection of Attainable Financial Goal performance looking forward. It does so by unmasking the usually hidden values of the root variables, by adding the limits that define the line item circumstances, and by introducing the ability to easily test a number of potential scenarios. And once more, the option remains to invoke Best Solutions when the occasion demands.
With Perspective Investment Analysis, every entity that produces new products or offers new services or requires new facilities, can achieve the goal-based measures of Break Even Income, Break Even Units, Return on Investment and Return of Capital within the confines of root variable limits. And if such limits inhibit the Attainable Financial Goal achievement, accept from the automatic options of Best Solutions.