@USER_MARKER (User-Defined Marker)

This macro draws a marker with optional text (szPhrase) at a specified location. fX must be value that is between the minimum and maximum values shown on the X-Axis. fY must be value that is between the minimum and maximum values shown on the Y-Axis. For charts without a true numeric X-axis (e.g., Bar, Line, Area), set fX to a number relative to the group number (e.g., 3.25 places the marker just to the right of the center of group 3).


@USER_MARKER fX fY nShape nRed nGreen nBlue szPhrase


fX; X-position

fY: Y-position

nShape; 0...7 selects one of the following markers:

nRed; 0...255 defines the RED component of the color

nGreen; 0...255 defines the GREEN component of the color

nBlue; 0...255 defines the BLUE component of the color

szPhrase; Optional phrase. Add a tilde character (~) to this string if you intend to define another macro in the same title field.


@USER_MARKER 1.5 55 0 255 0 0 RED MARKER
@USER_MARKER .75 25 1 0 255 0 GREEN MARKER
@USER_MARKER 2.25 45 2 0 0 255 BLUE MARKER


WebI:Chart supports a maximum of eight user markers defined with @USER_MARKER and @USER_MARKER2

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