
This property defines the chart type.

chartType: 'string'


chartType: a string that defines the chart type. The default value is 'bar'. It can be one of the following.





























Example chartType: 'area'

data: [[10, 100, 15, 120, 25],[15, 115, 25, 85, 35],[120, 20, 95, 22, 33],[125, 25, 45, 22, 33]],
chartType: 'area',
legend: {visible: true},
blaProperties: {orientation: 'vertical', seriesLayout: 'stacked',lineConnection: 'curved'},
series: [
	{series: 0, color: 'lightgreen'},
	{series: 1, color: 'coral'},
	{series: 2, color: 'lightblue'},
	{series: 3, color: 'burlywood'},
groupLabels: ['Group A', 'Group B', 'Group C', 'Group D', 'Group E'],


Example chartType: 'area3d'

data: [[70,80,90],[40,50,60],[10,20,30]],
chartFrame: { fill: { color: 'hsla(240, 100%, 50%, 0.1)' }, border: {width: 1, color: 'black'} },
chartType: 'area3d',
threedProperties: {
	rotate: 30, 
	tilt: 30,
	shadeSides: true
legend: {visible: true, position: 'bottom'},
series: [
	{series: 0, color: 'cyan'},
	{series: 1, color: 'bisque'},
	{series: 2, color: 'lightblue'},


Example chartType: 'bar'

data: [[10, 100],[15, 115],[120, 20],[125, 25]],
chartType: 'bar',
legend: {visible: true},
blaProperties: {orientation: 'vertical'},
series: [
	{series: 0, color: 'lightgreen'},
	{series: 1, color: 'coral'},
	{series: 2, color: 'lightblue'},
	{series: 3, color: 'burlywood'},
groupLabels: ['Group A', 'Group B']


Example chartType: 'bar3d'

data: [[70,80,90],[40,50,60],[10,20,30]],
chartFrame: { fill: { color: 'hsla(240, 100%, 50%, 0.1)' }, border: {width: 1, color: 'black'} },
chartType: 'bar3d',
threedProperties: {
	rotate: 30, 
	tilt: 30,
	shadeSides: true
legend: {visible: true, position: 'bottom'},
series: [
	{series: 0, color: 'cyan'},
	{series: 1, color: 'bisque'},
	{series: 2, color: 'lightblue'},


Example chartType: 'boxplot'

data = [[ [1,2,3,4,5],[6,7,8,9,10],[11,12,13,14,15] ]];
chartType: 'boxplot',
blaProperties: {orientation: 'vertical'},
series: [
{series: 0, color: 'lightblue', border: {width: 1}},


Example chartType: 'bubble'

A bubble chart requires three values: [(X-Position, Y-Position, Size] to draw each bubble marker. A negative size value is treated as positive (i.e., the absolute value of the data). A null, undefined, or zero size will eliminate the marker. Sizes are proportional according to the range of size values in the data set. For example, a data set with values such as [[1,1,10], [2,2,20], [3,3,30]] would draw each marker comparatively larger. Disparate marker size values such as [[1,1,10], [2,2,2000]] will draw a large marker that exceeds the draw area. The series.marker.size property defines the size of the *smallest* marker. All other markers are scaled up from that smallest marker. Markers are scaled such that the *area* of the marker is proportional to its data value.

data: [[[10, 10, 10]],[[20,20,20]],[[30,30,30]],[[35,10,100]]],
chartType: 'bubble',
xaxis: {max: 40, title: {visible: true}},
yaxis: {max: 40, title: {visible: true}}

X/Y position values can be a number or a string.

data: [[['-A-', '-A-', 10]],[['-B-','-B-',20]],[['-C-','-C-',30]],[['-D-','-D-',100]]],
chartType: 'bubble',
xaxis: {title: {visible: true}},
yaxis: {title: {visible: true}}

The size value can be replaced by an array of values that define slices in pie markers. Each marker must be defined by: [X-position, Y-position, [slice1, slice2, ...slicen]]. The size of the marker is calculated from the slice values.

data: [[
//     x     y     pie slices
    [   1,  2,     [1,2,4]],  // pie 0
    [ 2.5,  6.25,  [4,3,4]],  // pie 1
    [3.75,  3.5,   [6,11,9]]  // pie 2
chartType: 'bubble',

When this data format is used to define a bubble chart, set series: 'all', marker: {shape: 'pie'} to create the pie markers.

series: [
	{series: 'all', marker: {shape: 'pie', size: 30}},
	{series: 0, color: 'red'},{series: 1, color: 'green'},{series: 2, color: 'blue'}

Example chartType: 'bullet'

Bullet is a microchart that is a variation of the bar chart. It is designed to show a quantitative measure against qualitative ranges. For example, a quantitative measure such as profit or revenue could be visualized against quality (good, better, best) and related markers.

data: [[275, 250]],
height: 75,
chartType: 'bullet',
title: {text: 'Revenue'},
subtitle: {visible: true, font: '8pt Sans-Serif', text: 'US$ in thousands'},
yaxis: {
	min: 0,
	max: 300,
	colorBands: [
		{start: 0,stop: 150,color: 'silver'},
		{start: 150,stop: 225,color: 'lightgrey'},
		{start: 225,stop: 300,color: 'whitesmoke'},
series: [
	{series: 0, group: 0, color: 'steelblue'},
	{series: 0, group: 1, color: 'white',marker: {size: 14, shape: 'triangle',border: {width: 1, color: 'black'}}},


Example chartType: 'funnel'

data: [[10,11,12,13,14,15]],
chartType: 'funnel',
funnelProperties: {
	topWidth: '100%',   
	baseWidth: '5%',  
	groupLabel: {
		visible: true,
		font: 'bold 10pt Sans-Serif',
		color: 'red'
groupLabels: ["Funnel Chart"],
series: [
	{series: 0, color: 'cyan',  border: {width: 2, color: 'blue'}},
	{series: 1, color: 'bisque',  border: {width: 2, color: 'red'}},
	{series: 2, color: 'slateblue',  border: {width: 2, color: 'lightblue'}},
	{series: 3, color: 'red',  border: {width: 2, color: 'teal'}},
	{series: 4, color: 'lightblue',  border: {width: 2, color: 'blue'}},
	{series: 5, color: 'yellow',  border: {width: 2, color: 'orange'}},


Example chartType: 'gantt'

data: [
	[["9A", "10A", 0], ["10A" , "11:30", 1], ["12:30", "1:30P", 2], ["2P", "4P", 3]],
	[["10A", "11A", 0], ["11:00" , "12:30", 1], ["2P", "3P", 2], ["4P", "5P", 3]]
chartType: 'gantt',
legend: {visible: true},
ganttProperties: {
	startTime: '9A',
	stopTime: '5P',
	interval: 'hours',
	labelFormat: 'h tt',
groupLabels: ["Team A","Team B"],
series: [
	{series: 0, color: 'lightblue', label: 'Task 1'},
	{series: 1, color: 'coral', label: 'Task 2'},
	{series: 2, color: 'lightgreen', label: 'Task 3'},
	{series: 3, color: 'teal', label: 'Task 4'},


Example chartType: 'gauge'

data: [[10],[25],[40]],
chartType: 'gauge',
gaugeProperties: {
	fill: {color: 'ghostwhite',},  
	axisTickLength: 10
yaxis: {
	min: 0,
	max: 50,
	colorBands: [
		{start: 1,stop: 10,color: 'red'},
		{start: 10,stop: 30,color: 'yellow'},
		{start: 30,stop: 40,color: 'lightgreen'},
		{start: 40,stop: 50,color: 'green'},
	majorGrid: {
		lineStyle: {width: 2,color: 'rgb(196,48,178)'},


Example chartType: 'heatmap'

data: [
chartType: 'heatmap',
yaxis: {colorScale: {colors: ['tan', 'antiquewhite'] }},
legend: {visible: true},


Example chartType: 'histogram'

data = [[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,
chartType: 'histogram',
blaProperties: {orientation: 'vertical'},
histogramProperties: {
	binCount: 5,
series: [
{series: 0, group: 0, color: 'red'},
{series: 0, group: 1, color: 'grey'},
{series: 0, group: 2, color: 'blue'},
{series: 0, group: 3, color: 'cyan'},
{series: 0, group: 4, color: 'teal'},


Example chartType: 'legend'

chartType: 'legend',
legend: {
	visible: true, 
	markerSize: 20, 
	backgroundcolor: 'bisque',
	title: {visible: true, text: 'Countries', font: '16pt Sans-Serif', color: 'red'}
series: [
	{series: 0, color: 'rgb(0,142,126)', label: 'The Peoples Republic of China', marker: {shape: 'arrow'}},
	{series: 1, color: 'rgb(152,181,211)', label: 'United Arab Emerites', marker: {shape: 'pirateCross'}},
	{series: 2, color: 'red', label: 'New Zealand', marker: {shape: 'house'}},
	{series: 3, color: 'rgb(173,204,189)', label: 'United States of America', marker: {shape: 'hexagon'}}


Example chartType: 'line'

The data that defines a line riser in a line chart can be an array of single values (one for each series/group data point) or two values nested in arrays that define a data point and a marker size (e.g., [[1,2],[2,12],[1,4]], etc.).

The following example uses four arrays (one for each series) of single values to define the line chart.

var data = [[10, 100, 15, 120, 25],[15, 115, 25, 85, 35],[120, 20, 95, 22, 33],[125, 25, 45, 22, 33]];
chartType: 'line',
legend: {visible: true},
blaProperties: {orientation: 'vertical', seriesLayout: 'stacked'},
series: [
	{series: 0, color: 'lightgreen'},
	{series: 1, color: 'coral'},
	{series: 2, color: 'lightblue'},
	{series: 3, color: 'burlywood'},
groupLabels: ['Group A', 'Group B', 'Group C', 'Group D', 'Group E'],

The following example uses two values nested in arrays that define a data point and a marker size.

data: [ [[1,2],[2,2],[3,3],[2,2],[1,1]] , [[5,5],[10,10],[15,15],[10,10],[5,5]] ],
chartType: 'line',
blaProperties: {orientation: 'vertical'},
series: [
	{series: 'all', marker: {visible: true}},
	{series: 0, color: 'lightblue'},
	{series: 1, color: 'yellow'}


Example chartType: 'mekko'

data: [98,46,6],[64,47,9],[79,79,22],
chartType: 'mekko',
blaProperties: {orientation: 'vertical'},
groupLabels: ["Apples","Oranges","Pears"],
series: [
{series: 0, color: 'grey',border: {width: 1, color: 'black'}},
{series: 1, color: 'lightgrey',border: {width: 1, color: 'black'}},
{series: 2, color: 'white',border: {width: 1, color: 'black'}},


A mekko (also called marimekko) chart is a percent bar chart, except that the width of each bar riser is based on the stack's overall value. You can use any data set that works for a regular or stacked bar chart.

Example chartType: 'parabox'

data: [[1,2,3,4],[-1,-2,-3,-4],[5,6,7,8],[-5,-6,-7,-8],[10,20,30,40],[-10,-20,-30,-40],[50,60,70,80],[-50,-60,-70,-80]],
border: {width: 2, color: 'navy'},
chartType: 'parabox',
title: {text: "click & drag along each axis to select (filter) the lines"},
groupLabels: ['Grp1','Grp2','Grp3','Grp4'],


Example chartType: 'pareto'

data: [[10,20,30,40,50,60]],
chartType: 'pareto',
blaProperties: {orientation: 'vertical',lineConnection: 'curved'},
series: [
{series: 0, color:'rgb(0,142,126)', marker: {visible: true}},
{series: 1, color:'rgb(152,181,211)', marker: {visible: true}},


Example chartType: 'pie'

data: [[21],[32],[23],[45],[34],[45],[23],[34],[23]],
chartType: 'pie',
legend: {visible: true},
series: [
	{series: 0, color: 'cyan'},
	{series: 1, color: 'bisque'},
	{series: 2, color: 'slateblue'},
	{series: 3, color: 'beige'},
	{series: 4, color: 'lightgreen'},
	{series: 5, color: 'yellow'},
	{series: 6, color: 'blue'},
	{series: 7, color: 'lavender'},
	{series: 8, color: 'limegreen'},


Example chartType: 'polar'

data: [
chartType: 'polar',
legend: {visible: true},
polarProperties: {
	straightGridLines: false,
	extrudeAxisLabels: false
yaxis: {
	majorGrid: {
	lineStyle: {width: 1,color: 'teal',dash: '2 2'},
series: [ 
	{series: 0, color: 'lavender', marker:{size: 15, shape: 'circle', border: {width: 1, color: 'purple'}}},
	{series: 1, color: 'cyan', marker:{size: 15, shape: 'circle', border: {width: 1, color: 'green'}}},
	{series: 2, color: 'lightblue', marker:{size: 15, shape: 'circle', border: {width: 1, color: 'blue'}}},
	{series: 3, color: 'lightgreen', marker:{size: 15, shape: 'circle', border: {width: 1, color: 'teal'}}},
	{series: 4, color: 'coral', marker:{size: 15, shape: 'circle', border: {width: 1, color: 'navy'}}},


Example 'radar'

data: [[100,20,30,40],[50,60,70,80],[90,95,100,105],[110,120,130,140]],
chartType: 'radar',
legend: {visible: true},
yaxis: {
	majorGrid: {
		lineStyle: {width: 1,color: 'navy',dash: '2 2'},
series: [
	{series: 0, color: 'purple', border: {width: 2}},
	{series: 1, color: 'cyan', border: {width: 2}},
	{series: 2, color: 'grey', border: {width: 2}},
	{series: 3, color: 'teal', border: {width: 2}},


Example chartType: 'scatter'

Scatter charts require two values (X-Position/Y-Position) to draw each marker.

data: [[[5, 9],[4, 13]],[[10,11],[12,13]],[[30,21],[22,23]],[[10,31],[32,33]]],
chartType: 'scatter',
legend: {visible: true},
series: [
	{series: 0, color: 'cyan', marker: {shape: 'triangle', size: 12, border: {width: 1, color:'blue'}}},
	{series: 1, color: 'bisque', marker: {shape: 'square', size: 13, border: {width: 1, color:'brown'}}},
	{series: 2, color: 'slateblue', marker: {shape: 'circle', size: 14, border: {width: 1, color:'blue'}}},
	{series: 3, color: 'beige', marker: {shape: 'diamond', size: 15, border: {width: 1, color:'brown'}}},
	{series: 4, color: 'lightgreen', marker: {shape: 'triangle', size: 16, border: {width: 1, color:'green'}}},

X/Y Position values can be a number or a string.

data: [[['-A-', '-A-']],[['-B-','-B-']],[['-C-','-C-']],[['-D-','-D-']]],
chartType: 'scatter',
xaxis: {title: {visible: true}},
yaxis: {title: {visible: true}}

To use pie markers in a scatter chart, each marker must be defined by the X/Y-position and the values for each slice to draw in the pie marker. Example:

data: [
//     x     y     pie slices
    [   1,  2,     [1,2,4]],  // pie 0
    [ 2.5,  6.25,  [4,3,4]],  // pie 1
    [3.75,  3.5,   [6,11,9]]  // pie 2
chartType: 'scatter',

When this data format is used to define a scatter chart, set series: 'all', marker: {shape: 'pie'} to create the pie markers.

series: [
	{series: 'all', marker: {shape: 'pie', size: 60}},
	{series: 0, color: 'red'},{series: 1, color: 'green'},{series: 2, color: 'blue'}

Example chartType: 'sparkline'

data: [[10,50,20,60]],
width: 50,
height: 20,
labelPadding: 10,
fill: {color: 'hsl(120, 75%, 75%)'},
border: {
	width: 2, 
	color: 'green',
chartType: 'sparkline',
blaProperties: {orientation: 'vertical',lineConnection: 'curved'},
series: [
	{series: 0, color: 'red', border: {width:2}},
yaxis: {
	min: 10,
	max: 110,


Example chartType: 'stock'

data: [
chartType: 'stock',
blaProperties: {orientation: 'vertical'},
stockProperties: {
	startTime: '6A',
	stopTime: '2P',
	interval: 'hours',
	labelFormat: 'h tt'


Example chartType: 'streamgraph'

A streamgraph is a simplified version of a stacked area chart. In a streamgraph, there are no axis or gridlines. The baseline is free which makes it easier to perceive the thickness of any given layer across the data. A streamgraph does not use data text labels. The data required to draw a streamgraph is the same format required to draw an area chart. However, streamgraphs are normally given many series (10 or more), each with many data point points (100 or more). A typical streamgraph would include 20 series with 400 data points in each series.

props = {
catchErrors: false,
data: [
[76, 23, 21, 51, 51, 38, 24, 63, 44, 91, 19, 32, 4, 84, 19, 87, 55, 23, 43, 76, 96, 92, 90, 6, 32, 51, 86, 97, 66, 97, 65, 62, 7, 95, 73, 34, 2, 10, 39, 9, 79, 28, 12, 3, 50, 94, 38, 64, 22, 13, 56, 20, 21, 17, 83, 14, 58, 79, 82, 69, 67, 15, 1, 83, 67, 29, 97, 24, 1, 16, 99, 10, 25, 85, 58, 47, 39, 6, 85, 51, 56, 32, 73, 45, 56, 26, 88, 24, 44, 56, 84, 49, 70, 27, 76, 3, 23, 94, 64, 6],
[70, 65, 4, 29, 96, 65, 11, 30, 72, 30, 60, 25, 80, 8, 44, 62, 46, 4, 31, 16, 2, 81, 51, 13, 99, 73, 77, 53, 53, 2, 9, 30, 2, 44, 39, 7, 70, 33, 33, 77, 25, 50, 97, 44, 25, 57, 18, 81, 70, 5, 15, 21, 86, 60, 75, 12, 77, 96, 67, 8, 19, 57, 96, 83, 63, 89, 69, 90, 24, 1, 12, 87, 70, 23, 49, 89, 19, 6, 65, 48, 11, 82, 60, 49, 88, 64, 17, 49, 49, 13, 39, 44, 92, 14, 93, 18, 91, 82, 28, 26],
[62, 17, 91, 57, 98, 58, 41, 66, 79, 59, 20, 81, 28, 10, 34, 10, 76, 97, 80, 47, 5, 69, 3, 24, 92, 63, 0, 56, 20, 57, 82, 74, 98, 49, 63, 77, 50, 23, 20, 54, 54, 92, 62, 36, 6, 22, 97, 49, 31, 39, 46, 38, 24, 83, 47, 50, 26, 33, 61, 93, 18, 5, 0, 1, 49, 99, 56, 89, 43, 6, 97, 54, 12, 24, 20, 6, 95, 8, 30, 13, 98, 30, 63, 65, 49, 81, 12, 42, 42, 80, 90, 64, 56, 74, 51, 88, 92, 65, 51, 65],
[72, 72, 32, 28, 82, 2, 33, 45, 14, 76, 33, 21, 29, 25, 85, 18, 54, 62, 16, 87, 17, 89, 68, 66, 68, 22, 96, 9, 2, 87, 52, 34, 98, 53, 82, 9, 30, 64, 12, 50, 30, 71, 61, 78, 49, 6, 14, 57, 86, 97, 28, 20, 89, 16, 94, 65, 37, 44, 66, 70, 34, 6, 26, 35, 31, 27, 83, 39, 38, 47, 29, 21, 3, 71, 55, 63, 51, 9, 22, 72, 25, 92, 31, 89, 41, 26, 45, 10, 10, 9, 25, 83, 48, 37, 84, 85, 29, 46, 33, 20],
[15, 4, 63, 47, 48, 14, 95, 40, 84, 20, 41, 89, 56, 29, 91, 14, 61, 26, 93, 78, 29, 86, 27, 69, 60, 19, 68, 7, 53, 43, 90, 36, 97, 63, 72, 72, 28, 88, 17, 80, 67, 21, 89, 2, 69, 51, 32, 90, 72, 76, 7, 48, 57, 81, 22, 92, 13, 37, 86, 68, 88, 62, 95, 56, 56, 87, 22, 16, 94, 65, 35, 35, 72, 97, 51, 77, 94, 27, 14, 18, 21, 81, 65, 81, 34, 50, 39, 24, 67, 48, 51, 19, 56, 80, 24, 24, 20, 68, 98, 97],
[24, 12, 26, 53, 40, 28, 71, 52, 83, 96, 76, 19, 37, 65, 60, 65, 84, 76, 24, 83, 44, 42, 33, 21, 48, 88, 19, 14, 45, 37, 13, 1, 98, 56, 83, 89, 96, 17, 49, 19, 88, 95, 92, 18, 45, 12, 31, 57, 86, 35, 78, 59, 36, 0, 31, 12, 81, 62, 47, 61, 51, 84, 85, 74, 85, 3, 43, 10, 35, 89, 21, 23, 29, 50, 69, 31, 42, 70, 66, 13, 16, 67, 63, 81, 89, 97, 65, 94, 62, 30, 2, 26, 34, 11, 36, 99, 48, 19, 18, 65],
[15, 26, 91, 40, 66, 6, 44, 55, 33, 84, 41, 67, 88, 88, 60, 61, 82, 81, 7, 35, 76, 11, 69, 29, 33, 86, 39, 52, 96, 23, 5, 92, 50, 86, 24, 32, 36, 99, 86, 75, 10, 46, 74, 33, 88, 2, 41, 32, 34, 30, 31, 46, 40, 45, 41, 1, 66, 48, 69, 52, 92, 87, 92, 25, 67, 9, 3, 42, 11, 77, 59, 3, 23, 22, 94, 0, 65, 65, 94, 15, 80, 58, 10, 18, 28, 52, 68, 96, 45, 34, 42, 91, 68, 35, 94, 20, 65, 93, 75, 1],
[17, 93, 94, 95, 61, 76, 41, 23, 61, 45, 54, 99, 27, 31, 36, 39, 10, 81, 43, 64, 6, 92, 70, 55, 75, 3, 21, 10, 52, 55, 31, 0, 71, 37, 89, 80, 50, 6, 27, 79, 55, 72, 65, 69, 80, 67, 94, 33, 76, 25, 48, 76, 99, 54, 79, 27, 89, 64, 65, 15, 57, 50, 61, 19, 61, 45, 30, 45, 4, 93, 98, 86, 73, 18, 50, 53, 63, 91, 0, 95, 86, 51, 57, 22, 14, 5, 58, 73, 13, 18, 21, 1, 75, 17, 10, 80, 68, 74, 66, 4],
[91, 3, 8, 41, 12, 50, 44, 50, 29, 42, 77, 35, 18, 8, 29, 41, 64, 10, 3, 46, 28, 36, 61, 27, 64, 24, 88, 91, 0, 99, 91, 10, 95, 41, 61, 75, 22, 62, 72, 81, 73, 2, 94, 79, 41, 24, 85, 77, 61, 15, 80, 5, 83, 80, 23, 25, 91, 75, 8, 30, 81, 94, 4, 41, 74, 69, 19, 20, 33, 84, 29, 69, 52, 15, 94, 72, 70, 24, 57, 17, 42, 39, 80, 72, 68, 60, 1, 3, 57, 24, 93, 10, 1, 82, 98, 34, 33, 52, 20, 61],
[40, 71, 2, 29, 53, 37, 79, 18, 47, 29, 23, 15, 9, 43, 81, 19, 17, 24, 79, 23, 8, 31, 42, 77, 74, 99, 41, 13, 42, 40, 22, 72, 51, 13, 66, 20, 40, 46, 40, 2, 64, 74, 8, 96, 88, 25, 80, 46, 3, 30, 6, 26, 86, 0, 92, 51, 88, 17, 89, 0, 71, 41, 48, 41, 62, 40, 81, 29, 79, 84, 74, 86, 88, 45, 32, 53, 62, 24, 54, 60, 48, 16, 93, 50, 7, 87, 64, 1, 7, 68, 77, 52, 2, 79, 1, 72, 66, 25, 10, 23],
[0, 64, 34, 26, 8, 33, 90, 5, 26, 70, 66, 29, 41, 53, 55, 55, 49, 38, 73, 21, 1, 98, 52, 98, 41, 66, 48, 60, 56, 7, 11, 38, 33, 90, 13, 8, 85, 87, 70, 18, 31, 58, 93, 4, 39, 76, 16, 60, 40, 43, 11, 55, 49, 69, 26, 6, 59, 63, 70, 50, 78, 19, 32, 14, 97, 48, 52, 44, 22, 38, 74, 40, 60, 17, 47, 28, 32, 30, 58, 62, 1, 95, 72, 49, 79, 3, 23, 80, 19, 95, 10, 24, 13, 47, 10, 74, 64, 81, 71, 37],
[90, 67, 37, 13, 99, 45, 64, 80, 21, 36, 8, 58, 91, 44, 16, 30, 39, 85, 3, 54, 58, 9, 14, 12, 37, 53, 66, 0, 91, 2, 56, 63, 10, 67, 4, 67, 47, 48, 62, 3, 10, 16, 18, 40, 20, 31, 45, 5, 12, 6, 66, 66, 78, 77, 94, 23, 38, 54, 28, 73, 38, 63, 17, 23, 16, 90, 71, 67, 81, 33, 36, 13, 31, 82, 61, 50, 10, 68, 63, 85, 42, 37, 80, 64, 36, 88, 82, 64, 1, 78, 30, 47, 88, 35, 5, 20, 69, 89, 56, 84],
[45, 86, 95, 82, 58, 11, 18, 37, 75, 12, 77, 87, 44, 18, 16, 53, 82, 7, 78, 43, 33, 64, 47, 5, 67, 47, 62, 17, 65, 21, 86, 10, 56, 43, 65, 80, 61, 44, 20, 38, 40, 86, 16, 53, 59, 72, 15, 8, 52, 76, 36, 53, 72, 83, 86, 57, 6, 72, 19, 43, 70, 55, 10, 56, 23, 38, 19, 5, 96, 92, 16, 57, 97, 90, 77, 53, 6, 66, 95, 65, 68, 67, 85, 38, 61, 92, 29, 4, 72, 93, 1, 23, 35, 72, 28, 0, 59, 82, 38, 84],
[17, 13, 2, 61, 76, 89, 59, 75, 0, 13, 41, 45, 76, 75, 82, 99, 25, 49, 17, 22, 59, 35, 11, 17, 3, 93, 69, 12, 33, 13, 50, 25, 27, 37, 36, 82, 14, 44, 54, 54, 54, 0, 64, 84, 52, 29, 92, 42, 93, 20, 87, 4, 77, 52, 84, 10, 34, 53, 67, 88, 81, 82, 80, 47, 99, 19, 66, 10, 18, 21, 41, 83, 66, 41, 93, 3, 70, 45, 77, 34, 38, 59, 32, 75, 71, 98, 16, 54, 19, 76, 6, 61, 14, 47, 52, 68, 53, 84, 10, 45],
[80, 52, 89, 93, 58, 68, 99, 0, 20, 73, 83, 61, 40, 60, 8, 10, 5, 62, 94, 83, 61, 91, 76, 33, 72, 15, 84, 79, 28, 70, 14, 68, 63, 33, 0, 7, 59, 58, 84, 89, 22, 76, 50, 99, 65, 47, 26, 76, 94, 4, 37, 56, 19, 2, 51, 0, 76, 39, 2, 63, 88, 13, 4, 62, 53, 73, 30, 53, 61, 63, 6, 78, 30, 31, 98, 58, 41, 64, 34, 96, 86, 79, 74, 66, 84, 60, 83, 66, 81, 83, 96, 85, 23, 54, 97, 0, 76, 79, 10, 6],
[40, 7, 13, 50, 47, 90, 84, 15, 6, 12, 91, 45, 40, 76, 39, 78, 87, 92, 12, 45, 32, 71, 22, 58, 90, 29, 66, 11, 35, 25, 40, 38, 15, 38, 59, 15, 19, 68, 61, 64, 78, 32, 10, 87, 28, 37, 73, 49, 19, 47, 25, 32, 50, 4, 43, 2, 44, 69, 34, 47, 14, 76, 92, 87, 29, 84, 62, 5, 86, 55, 79, 78, 6, 52, 73, 59, 58, 64, 2, 99, 11, 58, 3, 70, 58, 56, 61, 23, 1, 52, 81, 37, 42, 16, 66, 72, 80, 39, 56, 41],
[36, 88, 40, 92, 47, 3, 65, 52, 83, 33, 97, 14, 33, 95, 16, 89, 0, 79, 67, 38, 1, 73, 63, 21, 33, 50, 19, 62, 45, 40, 25, 73, 61, 92, 73, 57, 15, 6, 24, 72, 38, 17, 69, 21, 18, 33, 36, 64, 36, 2, 6, 0, 58, 25, 17, 81, 42, 39, 35, 67, 69, 7, 45, 41, 5, 49, 12, 58, 14, 56, 89, 71, 1, 99, 67, 70, 87, 74, 37, 49, 98, 5, 73, 1, 49, 60, 99, 99, 54, 37, 61, 58, 5, 80, 88, 58, 9, 31, 95, 29],
[69, 62, 87, 27, 53, 13, 4, 72, 48, 37, 99, 2, 39, 21, 88, 19, 12, 54, 76, 92, 89, 86, 64, 3, 4, 95, 23, 35, 42, 95, 74, 6, 96, 83, 3, 98, 4, 90, 33, 11, 73, 60, 60, 70, 5, 66, 12, 61, 29, 34, 30, 6, 79, 10, 41, 77, 7, 14, 57, 93, 55, 44, 21, 77, 92, 18, 39, 15, 82, 71, 4, 17, 28, 74, 29, 29, 72, 64, 40, 80, 73, 35, 84, 10, 0, 47, 9, 93, 96, 86, 45, 40, 26, 51, 2, 35, 93, 75, 71, 53],
[6, 19, 45, 98, 42, 53, 5, 33, 69, 14, 89, 42, 94, 68, 59, 6, 66, 26, 71, 93, 36, 40, 47, 51, 85, 40, 95, 93, 29, 75, 36, 81, 65, 18, 67, 44, 60, 93, 62, 79, 46, 86, 59, 35, 24, 53, 65, 73, 57, 39, 45, 23, 41, 72, 57, 99, 74, 67, 75, 81, 6, 75, 70, 48, 49, 76, 60, 52, 4, 94, 10, 75, 44, 88, 96, 89, 57, 7, 38, 13, 21, 58, 54, 35, 84, 32, 23, 43, 44, 55, 13, 48, 36, 34, 17, 20, 7, 59, 34, 51],
[95, 3, 57, 88, 79, 13, 30, 4, 52, 32, 6, 68, 17, 38, 77, 26, 82, 52, 15, 46, 50, 74, 5, 0, 75, 93, 83, 42, 61, 33, 47, 58, 61, 0, 4, 58, 14, 12, 95, 67, 39, 28, 56, 15, 75, 73, 45, 15, 99, 80, 75, 20, 72, 95, 8, 97, 79, 87, 57, 92, 67, 73, 35, 5, 58, 46, 70, 82, 47, 7, 75, 3, 76, 61, 27, 87, 10, 61, 85, 19, 56, 41, 4, 97, 33, 52, 61, 9, 11, 6, 48, 35, 48, 48, 97, 66, 96, 52, 93, 35],
[52, 16, 18, 55, 84, 88, 77, 13, 95, 46, 72, 5, 93, 40, 16, 12, 89, 92, 84, 94, 44, 81, 60, 46, 61, 57, 93, 12, 53, 71, 13, 84, 92, 33, 63, 27, 1, 22, 76, 21, 7, 86, 51, 19, 72, 80, 46, 95, 27, 56, 89, 6, 78, 91, 66, 86, 21, 55, 29, 51, 94, 52, 86, 33, 91, 84, 13, 21, 46, 27, 93, 0, 46, 11, 19, 18, 76, 0, 24, 22, 82, 57, 35, 51, 0, 83, 13, 14, 56, 17, 31, 11, 32, 36, 44, 20, 65, 94, 57, 77],
[53, 72, 16, 79, 20, 71, 11, 9, 2, 8, 45, 56, 49, 2, 49, 41, 76, 62, 44, 95, 19, 18, 78, 67, 14, 14, 90, 88, 0, 64, 2, 78, 58, 8, 3, 50, 35, 72, 4, 71, 24, 50, 9, 11, 17, 80, 89, 80, 29, 95, 91, 80, 17, 0, 83, 1, 23, 48, 41, 36, 58, 98, 63, 98, 82, 10, 48, 47, 0, 36, 49, 91, 11, 78, 85, 67, 8, 19, 21, 19, 99, 57, 6, 10, 68, 24, 39, 86, 88, 58, 29, 34, 34, 91, 68, 3, 22, 34, 43, 44]
title: {visible: false},
chartType: 'streamgraph',
border: {width: 2, color: 'navy'},
series: [
{series: 0, color: 'cadetblue',label: ' '},{series: 1, color: 'silver',label: ' '},
{series: 2, color: 'grey',label: ' '},{series: 3, color: 'burlywood',label: ' '},
{series: 4, color: 'maroon',label: ' '},{series: 5, color: 'red',label: ' '},
{series: 6, color: 'purple',label: ' '},{series: 7, color: 'fuchsia',label: ' '},
{series: 8, color: 'green',label: ' '},{series: 9, color: 'lime',label: ' '},
{series: 10, color: 'olive',label: ' '},{series: 11, color: 'yellow',label: ' '},
{series: 12, color: 'navy',label: ' '},{series: 13, color: 'blue',label: ' '},
{series: 14, color: 'teal',label: ' '},{series: 15, color: 'aqua',label: ' '},
{series: 16, color: 'aliceblue',label: ' '},{series: 17, color: 'antiquewhite',label: ' '},
{series: 18, color: 'aquamarine',label: ' '},{series: 19, color: 'azure',label: ' '},
{series: 20, color: 'beige',label: ' '},{series: 21, color: 'bisque',label: ' '}


Example chartType: 'surface3d'

chartType: 'surface3d',
chartFrame: { fill: { color: 'lightgrey' }},
threedProperties: {rotate: 30, tilt: 30},
dataLabels: {visible: false},
legend: {visible: true},
series: [
	{series: 0, color: 'rgb(0,142,126)', label: 'Atlanta'},
	{series: 1, color: 'rgb(152,181,211)', label: 'Baltimore'},
	{series: 2, color: 'rgb(0,101,163)', label: 'Chicago'},
	{series: 3, color: 'rgb(173,204,189)', label: 'Denver'}
groupLabels: ["Georgia","Illinois","Colorado"]


Example chartType: 'tagcloud'

A tagcloud is a visual representation of group labels. The size of each label is proportional to its data value. Labels are defined in the groupLabels property. For example, chart.groupLabels = ['A', 'B', 'C'] and = [[10, 20, 30]] would draw three labels 'A', 'B', 'C', and the 'C' label would be 3 times larger than 'A'.

groupLabels: ['Label1','Label2','Label3','Label4','Label5'],
data: [[10,20,30,40,50]],
xaxis: {min: 10, max: 50},
chartType: 'tagcloud'

Example chartType: 'treemap'

Treemaps can be defined by a data object or an array of arrays.

An object can be nested arbitrarily deep. Any properties in the data object with numeric values will be drawn as a single rectangle in the treemap.

chartType: 'treemap',
data: {
	leaf1: 10,
	leaf2: 20,
	child1: {
		childLeaf1: 15,
		childLeaf2: 18,
		childChild2: {
			childChildLeaf1: 22,
			childChildLeaf2: 7,
	leaf3: 30,
	child2: {
		childLeaf1: 15,
		childLeaf2: 18,
series: [
{series: 0, color: 'lightgreen'},
{series: 1, color: 'lightblue'},
{series: 2, color: 'yellow'},
{series: 3, color: 'pink'},
{series: 4, color: 'orange'},

For an array definition, each array in the top level array creates one new node in the tree (either a parent or a leaf). The internal arrays should have three entries:

[nodeName (string), parentName (string or undefined), value (number or undefined)]

The nodeName is required. If parentName is undefined, this node is treated as a root node. If value is a number, this node is a leaf, otherwise this node is a parent node. Example:

data: [
   ['leaf_1', undefined, 5],
   ['child_1', undefined, undefined],
   ['child_Leaf_1', 'child_1', 15]
chartType: 'treemap'


Example chartType: 'waterfall'

data: [[100,10, 20, 130, -30, -40]],
chartType: 'waterfall',
blaProperties: {orientation: 'vertical'},
groupLabels: ['Initial', 'A', 'B', 'Subtotal', 'C',  'D','Total'],
waterfallProperties: {
	appendTotalRiser: true,
	positiveRiserColor: '#77b39a',  
	negativeRiserColor: '#e2675b', 
	zeroRiserColor: '#7593bd',  
	subtotalRisers: ['Subtotal'],  
	connectorLine: {
		width: 1,
		color: 'red',
		dash: ''
