@GCOLOR (Color Chart Object)

This macro can be used to change the color of major objects in a chart.


@GCOLOR nObject nRed nGreen nBlue


nObject; 0...14 selects one of the following chart objects:
0 = Chart Frame
1 = Legend Frame
2 = Title
3 = Subtitle
4 = Footnote
5 = Y1 Axis Title
6 = Y2 Axis Title
7 = X Axis Title
8 = Y1 Axis Labels
9 = Y2 Axis Labels
10 = X Axis Labels
11 = Series Labels on Legend
12 = Y1 Major Gridlines
13 = Y2 Major Gridlines
14 = X1 or O1 Major Gridlines

nRed: 0...255 defines the Red portion of RGB color selection.

nGreen: 0...255 defines the Green portion of RGB color selection.

nBlue: 0...255 defines the Blue portion of RGB color selection.


@GCOLOR 2 255 125 0
@GCOLOR 5 125 125 0
@GCOLOR 8 255 0 0
@GCOLOR 10 255 0 0
@GCOLOR 11 255 0 0
@GCOLOR 12 0 0 255
@GX 1
@GCOLOR 14 0 255 0



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