@USER_RECT (User-Defined Outlined Rectangle)

This macro fills a section of the chart frame with an outlined rectangle. The chart must be a flat 2D chart without depth or 3D Look applied. Set fStartX and fStopX to zero to select the lower left corner of the chart frame. The rectangle is outlined with the specified color (nRed, nGreen, nBlue). The nWidth and nStyle parameters define the thickness and style of the outline of the rectangle.


@USER_RECT fStartX fStopX fStartY fStopY nRed nGreen nBlue nStyle nWidth szPhrase


fStartX; 0.0...1.1 X-Axis start location

fStopX; 0.0...1.1 X-Axis stop location

fStartY; 0.0...1.1 Y-Axis start location

fStopY; 0.0...1.1 X-Axis stop location

nRed; 0...255 defines the RED component of the color

nGreen; 0...255 defines the GREEN component of the color

nBlue; 0...255 defines the BLUE component of the color

nStyle; 0...15 selects the line style

nWidth; 0...1000 Line Thickness

szPhrase; Optional phrase. Add a tilde character (~) to this string if you intend to define another macro in the same title field.


@HQ 1
@USER_RECT 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 255 0 0 2 500 WebI:Chart


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