@XY_DP2 (Data Point Line)

On a scatter chart, this macro draws a user-defined line between any two points. The points are specified in terms of series and groups.


@XY_DP2 nSeriesStart nGroupStart nSeriesStop nGroupStop


nSeriesStart; 0...1024 Zero-based series number to start drawing line.

nGroupStart; 0...1024 Zero-based group number to start drawing line.

nSeriesStop; 0...1024 Zero-based series number to stop drawing line.

nGroupStop; 0...1024 Zero-based group number to stop drawing line.


@XY_DP2 0 0 0 4


WebI:Chart supports a maximum of 20 user-defined lines. User-defined lines are drawn with: @CX, @CXY, @CY, @CY2, @X, @XG, @XSZ, @XSZL, @XSZN, @XSZNL, @XY, @XY_DP2, @Y, @YSZ, @YSZL, @YSZN, @YSZN2, & @YSZNL.

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