@LS (Line Style)

This macro assigns a thickness and style to a series line.


@LS nSeries nThickness nStyle


nSeries; -1...n (where: n = the total number of series in the chart). -1 = apply to all series, 0 = Series 1, 1 = Series 2, etc.

nThickness; 0...1000 selects the thickness of the line.

nStyle; 0...15 selects one of the following line styles.
0 = Solid
1 = Dashed
2 = Dotted
3 = Dot-Dash
4 = Dash-Dot-Dot
5 = Medium Dash
6 = Short Dash
7 = Long Dash
8 = Long Dot
9 = Dot-Dot-Dot
10 = Dash-Dash-Dot
11 = Dash-Dash-Dot-Dot
12 = Long Dash-Dot
13 = Long Dash-Dot-Dot
14 = Long Dash-Dash-Dot
15 = Long Dash-Dash-Dot-Dot


@LS 0 500 1
@LS 1 400 2
@LS 2 300 3



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