@CY (Y1-Axis Line with Color)

This macro adds a user-defined line on the Y1-axis at value n. Use the nRed, nGreen, and nBlue parameters to specify the RGB color of the line. The line is drawn horizontally or vertically depending on the chart orientation.


@CY nValue nRed nGreen nBlue


nValue; Value at which to add the user-defined line on the Y1-axis

nRed; 0...255 defines the red portion of the RGB color

nGreen; 0...255 defines the green portion of the RGB color

nBlue; 0...255 defines the blue portion of the RGB color


@CY 250000000 255 0 0

@CY 350000000 0 0 255
@CY 850000000 0 255 0




Charts Unlimited supports a maximum of 20 user-defined lines. User-defined lines are drawn with: @CX, @CXY, @CY, @X, @XG, @XSZ, @XSZL, @XSZN, @XSZNL, @XY, @XY_DP2, @Y, @YSZ, @YSZL, @YSZN, & @YSZNL.

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