@USER_LABEL_FONT (User-Defined Label Font)

This macro defines the size, color, and font to use for optional user-defined labels that are drawn with the following macros: @UF, @USER_CIRCLE, @USER_CIRCLE_ABOVE, @USER_FILL, @USER_FILL2, @USER_FILL_CIRCLE, @USER_FILL_CIRCLE_ABOVE, @USER_FILL_CIRCLE2, @USER_FILL_CIRCLE2_ABOVE, @USER_RECT, @UW, @XSZ, @XSZL, @XSZN, @XSZNL, @YSZ, @YSZL, @YSZN, & @YSZNL


@USER_LABEL_FONT nSize nRed nGreen nBlue nAlpha szFont


nSize; Font Point Size

nRed; 0...255 defines the RED portion of the RGB color

nGreen; 0...255 defines the GREEN portion of the RGB color

nBlue; 0...255 defines the BLUE portion of the RGB color

nAlpha; 0...255 selects the transparency level.
255 (the default) = no transparency.
0 = completely transparent.

szFont; Optional font name string (e.g., "Comic Sans MS").


@USER_RECT 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 255 0 0 2 800 LABEL
@USER_LABEL_FONT 24 255 0 0 255 Comic Sans MS

@USER_RECT 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 255 0 0 2 800 LABEL
@USER_LABEL_FONT 24 0 0 255 255 Splash



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